--32DASM Tutorial--- Date written: 23.4.2001 Program Details: Name: nIabI's crackMe 4.0 Author: Bengaly Tools Used: 32dasm Hex Editor Rank: easy[X] medium[ ] hard[ ] ________________________________________________________________________ -About this protection system- Protection which based on name/serial protection. __________________________________________________________________________ The Essay As this is a tutorial for newbies, I'll go into details about how I go about cracking the program. I suggest that you read this tutorial first. When you have completed the tutorial, leave this tutorial open and follow the instructions. Re-do it once more after you have completed the step by step guide... __________________________________________________________________________ Lets Patch The Bitch ;) ok, open the crackMe...we will see a serial/name text boxes..name must be more then 6 letters (chars)..ok..let's do it. open up d32asm, dissasmble the crackme..after dissasmblation ;) click the strn-ref buttton and look for "good serial thanx for trying"..after find it..scroll up a bit u will see alot of code..but u will noticed a JNE instruction here: xxx:yyy 7514 jne 0042dcdb ; <= bad boy massage xxx:yyy 6A00 PUSH 00000000 to make sure this jump is taking us to a bad boy massage move over the instruction.(it will be marked with yellow)..press ctrl+left button...this will take us here: xxx:yyy 6A00 PUSH 000000 ---some data here--- *possible stringdata fer from code obj -> " bad name or serial" so what we see is that the jne instruction is really a bad boy massage, so to kick that instrution we will transform the bad boy massage into the good boy massage by transform the jne->je so, move over the jne..look down u will see a offset nummber: @offset 2D0C2h <= write that h = hex, it's not important. now open up hex-editor do a search for 2D0C2..and replace 75->74..haha jne is now je (good boy), save the file..and enter serial (more then 6 chars + any serial) CrackMe cracked ;) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ My thanks and gratitudes goes to: ----CODE_INSIDE----- ;for helping in cracking -----BLAcKgH0sT------ ;for being good friend :) -------FusS------ ;asm / keygenning helper All the writers of Cracks tutorials and CrackMes